SSH Quick Start Guide

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SSH is the standard way to control a computer remotely. It lets us login and use the system, despite not being right in front of it. In fact, many people can log into the same computer and use it at the same time, though only at most 1 user can use it directly. It’s absolutely essential to know for any software developer and CS researcher.

It’s also just really cool!

For this course, we will be using the university’s lab machines for all assignments and lab demos. They all run Ubuntu 20.04. It’s important you compile and test your code on these machines. We will not accept situations where the code runs perfectly on your computer, virtual machine, or really anything else that’s not a lab computer. TAs will be able to help you a lot better if you’re using the lab machines

SSH will allow you to connect to the lab machine and transfer files between the lab machines and your computer


You’ll need a recent-ish version of OpenSSH installed on your computer. On linux/mac you can use ssh -V to check your version. If that command fails, or your version is below 8, please install openssh for your system

Macs may want to use brew, while linux systems should use their package manager

University Lab Machines

To ssh into a computer, we’ll need its IP address. Just like with websites, we don’t actually need to remember the number, we’ll instead use the domain name. Our 34 lab machines numbered 01-34 are all at the domain Here’s a complete list:

We also have other computers, though these ones are typically set aside for CMPUT201. Usually most people use ug01-ug04, so those computers often get overloaded and laggy. It’s in your best interest to use the mid-to-higher numbered ones

IST usually reboots these computers about once per month early morning on Wednesday. If you’re experiencing issues around that time, it might just be since they’re updating the software, so wait an hour before trying to connect again. As a backup, there’s, which is a much slower computer, though very rarely has any downtime

Your files are stored on a separate network-attached storage device, so no matter which computer you login to, all your files will be there

Connection Demo

Let’s see how Alice logs into the 33rd lab machine. Her email is [email protected] so to login to the 33rd lab machine, she’ll use the address [email protected]

Here’s what Alice sees when she attempts to connect:

 $ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:o3LbTXb16zGX3rGy9Xl1qF9eigRMYLWlsXTG6ACt3L8.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
[email protected]'s password:

Here’s what Alice typed, assuming her password is password123

ssh [email protected]

Replace the CCID and password with your own. Make sure you type yes when it asks if you want to continue connecting.

If everything goes well, you’ll be connected to the lab machine. If you want to make sure, type hostname and hit enter. It should print ug33, or a different number if you logged into one of the other machines. Type exit to get back to your own computer


Once we can connect to the lab machine, we may want to transfer files to and from the lab machines. SSH has a tool called scp, which stands for sshcopy. The syntax is very similar the to cp command you should be familiar with from the linux tutorial. As a refresher, if Alice has a file a.txt and she wants to duplicate it to a file called b.txt, she can use

cp a.txt b.txt

Notice how the command is always in the order cp <from> <to>. scp is almost identical, except it adds the ability to specify which machine we want to copy from/to. By default, it’s our own computer, so it’d be identically valid to duplicate a.txt using

scp a.txt b.txt

This is again a shorthand for typing out a relative path to each file, so Alice could also use

scp ./a.txt ./b.txt

Now let’s say Alice wants to make a copy of a.txt called b.txt in the directory /dev/shm. All she needs to change in the command above is the path to b.txt

scp ./a.txt /dev/shm/b.txt

Everything Alice has done so far is possible with cp as well. Now what if she instead wants to copy a.txt from her laptop to a file called b.txt in the directory /dev/shm on the lab machine. She’ll need to prefix the path of b.txt in the command above with the login address of the machine. For example, if Alice chooses to use ug33, she’ll type:

scp ./a.txt [email protected]:/dev/shm/b.txt

Notice Alice put a colon following the login address she typed to SSH into the machine. At this point, SSH will prompt Alice for her password. Once she types that in, her a.txt will be copied over the network

Alice can also copy files from the lab computer to her own laptop. Below, she copies the b.txt file from /dev/shm on the lab machine, to her own home directory

scp [email protected]:/dev/shm/b.txt ~/c.txt

It’s often useful to copy entire directories over to the lab machines instead of just a single file. For this, Alice will add the -r flag, which stands for recursive, to her command. Below she copies her entire Lab1 directory to her ~/Documents directory on the lab machine. Note that the ~ expands to the home directory’s path, which is usually where you’ll want to put your files

scp -r Lab1 [email protected]:~/Documents

Now Alice has a directory called ~/Documents/Lab1 on her lab machine.

Use caution with scp! Just like cp it will overwrite files irrecoverably without warning. Make sure your destination is right before copying, otherwise you will erase files. Making frequent git commits and pushes is the best way to avoid having to start over on a lab or assignment

Advanced SSH

We’ve already covered everything SSH can do, though it may be apparent that having to type [email protected] and password every time we use ssh or scp takes a while. We also don’t have a clear way to tell Github we’re logging in over SSH

Both these problems can be solved using a combination of SSH aliases and keys. This part is not esentail for the course, though it’s important in industry and will save you a LOT of time this semester

SSH Aliases

It’s quite annoying having to type in the long [email protected] every time. Instead, SSH provides and aliasing system, where we can using something else

First create the file and directory ~/.ssh/config. On unix (linux or macos), this looks like

mkdir ~/.ssh
touch ~/.ssh/config

Now use a text editor to write the following into ~/.ssh/config. Replace alice with your own CCID and feel free to use a number other than 33 for the lab machine

Host lab
    User alice

Now Alice will be able to type this alias anywhere she previously used [email protected]! From the previous examples, she could now use

ssh lab
scp ./a.txt lab:/dev/shm/b.txt
scp lab:/dev/shm/b.txt ~/c.txt
scp -r Lab1 lab:~/Documents

SSH keys

SSH aliases shorten what we have to type, though currently we’re still typing our password every single time. Not only is this considered incredibly insecure, it’s also such a waste of time. In real-world usage of SSH, it’s usually advised to disable passwords entirely and only rely on cryptographic SSH keys to login

IST deals with the security for us, though we can still take advantage of keys to skip the password step entirely. And remember, this is ironically considered more secure than using password-based logins!

Making a key pair

Generating an SSH key is a bit daunting for the first time, so I’ll explain every step. All you need to do is copy/paste every line into a terminal

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ualberta_cs_labs -N ''

You should see a long message saying something about a fingerprint and printing an art piece at the end. If instead it says something about an error, please ask one of the TAs for assistance

The line above created a private and public cryptographic key pair. As the name suggests, the public key is the one you can give out and the private key is the one you should never share with anyone. If someone else obtains your private key, they’ll be able to login everywhere that key can access (your lab machine files and github if you finish this tutorial)

Keys are nothing more than files. In fact you can go ahead and open them in your text editor. The keys are at


Where the .pub is the much shorter public key and the one without .pub is the private key. My public key looks like:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHYJVpQTIGoNSqxK7Gp9m3O4qYLR9x7+jbkcjqTBl63W akemi@Akemis-Waybook

While the private key will look similar to:


Never show this private key to anyone! I generated a spare one above as an example and would never actually share my private key

Enabling login through the key

Alice will now need to let her lab machine know this key is safe to use for authentication. She’ll use the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected]

Alternatively, if she already setup the lab alias from before, she can use

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ lab

Either way, she’ll be prompted to enter her password one last time

Now, she’ll once again open ~/.ssh/config in her favorite text editor and make it look like below. The last two lines are new:

Host lab
    User alice
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ualberta_cs_labs

Testing if it works

If all went well, now when you use the lab alias, you’ll automatically be logged in, without any password! Try the following commands:

ssh lab
touch a.txt && scp ./a.txt lab:/dev/shm/b.txt

If you’re still being prompted for a password, retry all the steps from the beginning then ask a TA for help if the issue persists

Logging into Github

Github also supports SSH keys! As before, the advantage is being able to git push and git fetch without needing to type in a password.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/github_main -N ''

Alternatively, if you’d like some extra security, you can put a password on the SSH key itself. This’ll mean that even if your key gets stolen, it’ll still take attackers a while to crack through the password, assuming your password is sufficiently long. The convenience-security trade off here is up to you. Simply use the command below and type in the password you want:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/github_main

Now login to Github in your browser. Go into Settings -> SSH and GPG keys. Click “New SSH Key” in the top right. Give it whichever title you feel is memorable, like “laptop github key” and set key type to be “Authentication Key”

Now we’ll actually need to open up our public key file and paste it in the text field on Github. Use a text editor to open ~/.ssh/ Some examples include:

# Manually copy with your mouse
cat ~/.ssh/
# The following copy directly to your clipboard! Just paste on Github
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy  # On MacOS
cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -selection clipboard  # On X11-powered Linux
cat ~/.ssh/ | wl-copy  # On Wayland-powered Linux

Hit “Add SSH Key”. Now we’ll need to add a clever alias to our SSH config which will make git automatically use this key for Github. Run the following command

cat <<SSH >> ~/.ssh/config
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_main

Now we can test if everything works with the following command. It should greet you with your Github username if everything worked well

ssh -T [email protected]

If the above doesn’t work, try

ssh -i ~/.ssh/github_main -T [email protected]

If only the second one works, you’ll want to open ~/.ssh/config in a text editor and make sure it looks like the example below. Otherwise you likely didn’t copy/paste the right key on Github

The final ~/.ssh/config file should look like this:

Host lab
    User alice
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ualberta_cs_labs
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_main

Github Over SSH

Even when you pass the SSH tests from above, git push will likely still be prompting you for a password. In all likelyhood, you’re still using HTTPS instead of SSH to connect to Github. Luckily, this part is easy to fix

First, navigate to your git directory. Now run the following command

git remote -v

This should print something similar to the below. Your Github username and project name will be different of course

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

This means we’re currently using the HTTP protocol to communicate with Github. It’s the same protocol we use for browsing websites. However we want to use the SSH protocol. What we’ll need to change boils down to:

  1. From https: at the front to ssh:
  2. Prepend git@ in front of
  3. Append :22 right after

For the example above, we’d run the following to change it

git remote set-url origin ssh://[email protected]:22/aizuko/

Now when we run git remote -v we should see

github  ssh://[email protected]:22/aizuko/ (fetch)
github  ssh://[email protected]:22/aizuko/ (push)

Try doing a git fetch and git push now. It should just automatically use the SSH key we previously setup in the ~/.ssh/config

You will need to do this git remote set-url for every old repository manually. Next time you’re using git clone though, clone using the SSH url directly. For example:

git clone 'ssh://[email protected]:22/aizuko/

This will even let you clone private repositories, since it’s using your SSH key to authenticate you, no need for passwords and usernames!